The Canada Revenue Agency is intimidating. In the same way that an athlete has an agent, we are here to make sure you are represented correctly. We prepare, negotiate, discuss, examine, and analyze for you. Since we deal with the CRA on a daily basis, we know exactly how to handle things. Sometimes things feel overwhelming and uncomfortable, and it gets hard to perform your best when you’re all tied up in worries and stress. We’ll represent you exactly the way you would want to be represented.
Our initial consultation with you is free. This gives you an excellent, no-cost opportunity for us to explain what we’ll be doing for you, and how to proceed. You can understand our expertise, and we can understand you. Every client is different, and we need to know you for all of us to excel.
When CRA agents deal with representatives rather than the tax payers themselves the results tend to be much, much better. Simply, this is because of our experience, knowledge on the Income Tax Act and CRA procedure and policy and, discussion-technique.
Experience with customer representation with organizations like:
- Canada Revenue Agency